Darren and Lyndie are supported by a small team of dedicated, committed, professional consultants, who work to the beat of their own drum from multiple locations across the country, to help provide our client service offerings.
Mary and Lizzie between them, provide our accounting and bookkeeping services, assisting Darren and Lyndie with financial management, guidance, and direction in these areas of specialty. Emma and Daniel, offer strategy, risk management, compliance, and organisational resilience services to the company. Future proofing what we do.
Last, but not least, there’s Ash, who is our digital marketing specialist, solely responsible for co-ordinating, strategizing and running our digital marketing and social media marketing campaigns.
If you would like to join our small, but dynamic team, and feel you have what it takes to help in delivering exceptional value and service to our clients, then we would love to hear from you.
Phone: 1800 SALES COACH / 1800 725 372
Fax: 1300 725 370